Total Training Indoor Clinics

Total Training Indoor Clinics Total Training offers soccer specific classes for ages 5-10. These classes enhance technical skills to develop a better all around player. All clinics are 6 classes and each class is 1 hr. Cost is $109. Clinics are held on mini field inside our dome, on the left. Participants should bring a soccer ball and water.  Recommend wearing shinguards.  Gym or soccer shoes both work.

Register here

Refund policy.

  • 1st session starts Nov 4th (No clinics Nov 28 & 29)

  • 2nd session starts January 6th 

  • 3rd session starts February 24th (No clinics Mar 24 - 28th)

Monday4:15 - 5:155 & 6
Tuesday4:15 - 5:157 & 8
Wednesday4:15 - 5:159 & 10
Thursday4:15 - 5:155 & 6
Friday4:15 - 5:157 & 8

Total Soccer Stars

Child development program for kids ages 18 months to 5 years old. It uses a variety of fun games to delight and engage kids in physical activity. Classes are professionally designed to develop motor skills, promote physical fitness, and self- confidence.

  • 3rd session starts March 1

  • 1st Summer Outdoor starts May 6th

Click here for more information.


Total Soccer Indoor Soccer Camps

Total Soccer Camps are soccer only camps designed mindful of today’s young players from ages 5 - 12. Our goal is to further the techniques of all participants regardless of their current skill level. We concentrate on the smallest of details and work our camps in a progression style with the main emphasis of having fun. Coaches from Total Soccer take great pride in helping players improve all facets of their game, no matter their particular level of play.  Please bring a lunch, soccer ball and water bottle.  Shinguards are recommended and gym or soccer shoes both work.  Register here.

Camp Session Dates Time Cost
Black FridayNov 299:30 - 3 p.m.$60 *
Christmas BreakDec 26 & 279:30 - 3 p.m.$120 or $60/day **
Mid-Winter BreakFeb 17 - 219:30 - 3 p.m.$250/week or $60/day ***
Spring BreakMar 24 - Mar 289:30 - 3 p.m.$250/week or $60/day ***

*Sibling discount $55 per child

**Sibling discount $55/day per child
***Sibling discount $225/week or $55/day for each child


Total Training Outdoor Soccer Camps

Total Training Soccer Camps are soccer only camps designed mindful of today’s young players from ages 5 - 12. Our goal is to further the techniques of all participants regardless of their current skill level. We concentrate on the smallest of details and work our camps in a progression style. Rob Solocinski and crew from Total Soccer take great pride in helping players improve all facets of their game, no matter their particular level of play.

All camps are located at Worden Park in Royal Oak(Behind the tennis courts at Total Soccer). We offer team & sibling discounts. Players should bring a soccer ball and plenty of water.  Cleats and shinguards are recommended.

Refund policy. Inclement weather.

Register here. 

A group of children posing for a picture on the field.
Camp Session Dates Time Cost
Camp #1July 7-119:30 - 12 pm$139*
Camp #2July 21-259:30 - 12 pm$139*
Camp #3Aug 4-89:30 - 12 pm$139*

*Teams of 8 or more receive $5 off per player. Sibling discount: $5 off each child